Question About Running Python code
2014-10-15 22:50:23 UTC
I'm trying to run this script (using IDLE 3.4)

#!/usr/bin/env python

import urllib2
import pytz
import pandas as pd

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from datetime import datetime
from pandas.io.data import DataReader

SITE = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_S%26P_500_companies"
START = datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, pytz.utc)
END = datetime.today().utcnow()

def scrape_list(site):
hdr = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}
req = urllib2.Request(site, headers=hdr)
page = urllib2.urlopen(req)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)

table = soup.find('table', {'class': 'wikitable sortable'})
sector_tickers = dict()
for row in table.findAll('tr'):
col = row.findAll('td')
if len(col) > 0:
sector = str(col[3].string.strip()).lower().replace(' ', '_')
ticker = str(col[0].string.strip())
if sector not in sector_tickers:
sector_tickers[sector] = list()
return sector_tickers

def download_ohlc(sector_tickers, start, end):
sector_ohlc = {}
for sector, tickers in sector_tickers.iteritems():
print 'Downloading data from Yahoo for %s sector' % sector
data = DataReader(tickers, 'yahoo', start, end)
for item in ['Open', 'High', 'Low']:
data[item] = data[item] * data['Adj Close'] / data['Close']
data.rename(items={'Open': 'open', 'High': 'high', 'Low': 'low',
'Adj Close': 'close', 'Volume': 'volume'},
data.drop(['Close'], inplace=True)
sector_ohlc[sector] = data
print 'Finished downloading data'
return sector_ohlc

def store_HDF5(sector_ohlc, path):
with pd.get_store(path) as store:
for sector, ohlc in sector_ohlc.iteritems():
store[sector] = ohlc

def get_snp500():
sector_tickers = scrape_list(SITE)
sector_ohlc = download_ohlc(sector_tickers, START, END)
store_HDF5(sector_ohlc, 'snp500.h5')

if __name__ == '__main__':

I got it from this link.

I'm just about going insane here. I've been doing all kinds of computer programming for 11 years, and I know 10 languages. I'm trying to learn Python now, but this makes no sense to me.

I would be most appreciative if someone could respond to a few questions.

The error that I get is this.
'invalid syntax'

The second single quote in this line is highlighted pink.
print 'Downloading data from Yahoo for %s sector' % sector

#1) That's very bizarre to mix single quotes and double quotes in a single language. Does Python actually mix single quotes and double quotes?

#2) In the Python 3.4 Shell window, I turn the debugger on by clicking 'Debugger'. Then I run the file I just created; it's called 'stock.py'. I get the error immediately, and I can't debug anything so I can't tell what's going on. This is very frustrating. All the controls in the debugger are greyed out. What's up with the debugger?

#3) My final question is this? How do I get this code running? It seems like there is a problem with a single quote, which is just silly. I can't get the debugger working, so I can't tell what's going on. The only thins I know, or I think I know, is that the proper libraries seem to be installed, so that's one thing that's working.

I'd really appreciate it if someone could please answer my questions and help me get this straightened out, so I can have some fun with Python. So far, I've spent 2 months reading 4 books, and trying all kinds of sample code...and almost every single thing fails and I have no idea why.
Dan Stromberg
2014-10-15 23:09:21 UTC
Post by ryguy7272
I'm trying to run this script (using IDLE 3.4)
I would be most appreciative if someone could respond to a few questions.
The error that I get is this.
'invalid syntax'
You may get better help if you give the context of this message.
Post by ryguy7272
The second single quote in this line is highlighted pink.
print 'Downloading data from Yahoo for %s sector' % sector
#1) That's very bizarre to mix single quotes and double quotes in a single language. Does Python actually mix single quotes and double quotes?
I'm not sure what you mean by "mix". C uses single quotes and double
quotes, right?

Python treats single quotes and double quotes pretty much
interchangeably, except if you start a string with a single quote (for
example), you can easily put a double quote inside it, and you must
terminate the string with another single quote. And vice versa.
Post by ryguy7272
#2) In the Python 3.4 Shell window, I turn the debugger on by clicking 'Debugger'. Then I run the file I just created; it's called 'stock.py'. I get the error immediately, and I can't debug anything so I can't tell what's going on. This is very frustrating. All the controls in the debugger are greyed out. What's up with the debugger?
You have Python 2.x code there. The differences between 2.x and 3.x
are far from insurmountable, but it does require a little code
adjustment. If you're a python novice, you might be better off
running this under 2.x.

I believe your debugger won't help until your code compiles.
Post by ryguy7272
#3) My final question is this? How do I get this code running? It seems like there is a problem with a single quote, which is just silly. I can't get the debugger working, so I can't tell what's going on. The only thins I know, or I think I know, is that the proper libraries seem to be installed, so that's one thing that's working.
The print statement in 2.x has been made a print function in 3.x;
that's likely necessary to fix, though not necessarily sufficient.

EG in 2.x:
print 'hello word', 6

while in 3.x that would be:
print('hello world', 6)

Interestingly, you can write a single command that works in both with:
print('hello world {}'.format(6))

To 2.x, it's printing the result of a parenthesized expression. To
3.x, it's a function call with one argument.
Post by ryguy7272
I'd really appreciate it if someone could please answer my questions and help me get this straightened out, so I can have some fun with Python. So far, I've spent 2 months reading 4 books, and trying all kinds of sample code...and almost every single thing fails and I have no idea why.
You may also need to install pytz, pandas and BeautifulSoup. I favor
pip or pip3 for such things.
Cameron Simpson
2014-10-16 00:42:54 UTC
Post by Dan Stromberg
Post by ryguy7272
#1) That's very bizarre to mix single quotes and double quotes in a single
language. Does Python actually mix single quotes and double quotes?
I'm not sure what you mean by "mix". C uses single quotes and double
quotes, right?
Yes, but it uses single quotes for characters (a single byte integer type) and
double quotes for strings. Python doesn't really have a single character type,
and lets the user use either quote mark as they see fit. Ryan finds this

Cameron Simpson <cs at zip.com.au>

BTW, don't bother flaming me. I can't read.
- afdenis at lims03.lerc.nasa.gov (Stephen Dennison)
Ian Kelly
2014-10-16 01:31:31 UTC
Post by Cameron Simpson
Post by Dan Stromberg
Post by ryguy7272
#1) That's very bizarre to mix single quotes and double quotes in a
single language. Does Python actually mix single quotes and double
Post by Cameron Simpson
Post by Dan Stromberg
I'm not sure what you mean by "mix". C uses single quotes and double
quotes, right?
Yes, but it uses single quotes for characters (a single byte integer
type) and double quotes for strings. Python doesn't really have a single
character type, and lets the user use either quote mark as they see fit.
Ryan finds this unfamiliar.

In any case, it's hardly bizarre; it's common among interpreted languages.
Other languages that allow both single- and double-quote strings include
ECMAScript and Lua. Perl, PHP and Ruby also have both variants but
distinguish between them for interpolation.
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Andrew Jaffe
2014-10-16 08:11:06 UTC
Post by ryguy7272
The error that I get is this.
'invalid syntax'
The second single quote in this line is highlighted pink.
print 'Downloading data from Yahoo for %s sector' % sector
This is a script written for Python 2.*, but you say you are using
Python 3.4. In Python 3, "print" is a function, not a statement, so you
need to translate this to

print('Downloading data from Yahoo for %s sector' % sector)

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